четверг, 17 сентября 2015 г.

How to find change log for SAP CRM BP marketing attributes?

How to find change log for SAP CRM BP marketing attributes?

For your info Table: AUSP contents all marketing attribute of BP

1.       Go to table BUT000 (via t-code se16)

2.       Table CRMD_AUSP_HIST

With GUID of BP (from step 1) find list of changes:

Here you will find all changes, which were done with martk. Attr.
Changed On is date…Should be readed from end 20150504= 4th of April 2015

3.       Table Cabn -  To find for change for specific marketing attr., you need to fine code of marketing attrib. in table Cabn.

Take name of attribute from t-code BP in tab Marketing Attributes. 

Put name of attribute it in table Cabn and find

Back to table CRMD_AUSP_HIST and put it into Internal char. field
You also can put name of attribute.
Check changes: