пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.

How sales in SAP DBM looks in FI.

Hello All! Do you remember what we do before? ...O yes of course we just purchased for you very good new Ferrari! Oh. I think it was a very good deal! And you?

Well by the way what happends in that time in background? I mean what happends in FI whicle we so easy press create billing and goods movement and than get new keys from vehicle?
Well lets start. we will return to our DBM vehicle with  /DBM/vsearch transaction. Then press order and we will see line of our order. Press twice and go in.
Then press Goto - Document Flow.  On the picture in the best way you will see picture like below. 
Press Accounting document and you will enter FB03 transaction. You will plus on vehicle amount to Trade receivables(221100) so customer dept appeared and mines from Base Vehicle Revenue(610000) and Tax account(431010).  THis happends after you create billing.

what do you think happend after Goods movement? Yes..it should be debit from Stock account. Lets click the button Goods movement and look into Document Flow. We can see new line in reservation document - Goods Movement.

If you go in you will see standart MIGO transaction. If you press FI doccument button and choose Accounting documents. You will see that + on Vehichle Stock(213100 rus 41010100 Stock account) amount and - from Vehicle Base account( 710000 rus 90020101 Vehicle base cost). 

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