четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

So at 17 my University ears started! It was really greate. First two yeares I was impressed students life! For me it was easy lessons : programming, Mathematical analisys, high mathematic, because i already was good prepared in school for it. So I have  o lot of time for theater,where i took part like an actor and a lot of other students activities. I have got a lot of organization skills and etc. All my marks always was excellent. At the third year of university I some gyes from SurgutGazprom comes to us and said: "We started SAP implementation project.. We need good specialist in it. We will exam you and then pay for you study and then will offer you job may be.!!!" Ok great, I thought. I and 10 students of my ages took part in this long studing program. We were studied to be SAP consultant, we study all from consultan image to smart network systems. And we have got payble practice in Surgut gazprom. Every summer! There I have got my first practice of SAP SD. I work close to two developers and wrote instruction for users and made testing. It was interesting because it was real productive life conjugate with oil sale. That is really impressive and every man had big responsobility on this project. Next year I have got practice in SAP HR department. My friend was my Lead! It was great and it happend by chance..but who beilive in chance? There I started get knowledges about SAP HR. thank you very much tp my friend who help me;-)
At the end of University that gye fro SurgutGazprom forget about as and didn't offer to work. Of course this situation wasn't trash me. I took all my document and wrote a letter to lead of IT department ..I waited answer.But no answer came to me...one week, one month...I found job at city Administration to maintance Oracle DB...but it was just a small island to have a rest in way to SAP and Surgut Gazprom.
One day I was fliyng to Moscow sity. I set and found that man in next place looked at PC and words "SAP" at his presentation were founded by my eyes. "Yes!I can't loose this chance.I should ask some documentation!" I thought at that time. I know if you want something...The Universe will help you and send you an opportunity, you just need to take it. I said to that man : "Hello! I study SAP. I saw you have some information about it?Could you please give it to me?" He was wonder and ask for my flash. I said in root you can find my CV. He copied it to his PC. ...read and then when we landed he said.
I belive he will do it. after some month He called to me. He said that maibe I will usfeull for him, but he don't know now where. He advice me to find way where i could be usefull..
Month later, my friend from Gazprom, who was my practice lead, send my a message by ICQ: "Anna we search for consultant for HR support and training. We will take in from autsource company" I understand...that man I met in fly, was CIO of that autsource company. I called him...some weeks later I join new project!...and that is other story...

The books I read: (Unfortunately those book have only english language).

Mastering HR Management with SAP ERP HCM

The SAP Consultant Handbook

среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.

Next year, when I was 16, I again visited Summer School of Informatic and Programming in Novosibirsk. I wrote a program that use Data Bases( SQL) with Delphi application. It was economic game, where 6 people can take part by network. The idea of program was known. Two teams, every use lake for catching fish. But lake is resourse and it is limeted by ecology. So every team need to have a good fisch income and also don't destroy the ecological system -lake, that fish could allways reprodact itself. So it was really difficult and long project for me. But at  the end I was granted for excelent programming! I was 16, but already known SQL  selects:-)
Then aughtum came, it was last year in Full Middel School. I again took part in Youth Scientific Conference and have good 1 place in my city and then in region. University of Surgut City invated me to study there without exams. It was a long good work done to be prepared for new university life!...

The books I read:
Russian SQL, Data Base and Delphi
English SQL Bible , Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional

понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.

HTML, Delphi, and modeling...

When I was 15, in sumer , I again was visiting Summer Informatic and Programming School in Novosibirsk State University. It was so funtastic, I met a lot of new friends and study new way of  programming Applications for Windows with Delphi 3.0. it was big progress for me! Now I can do programms in time with World! First programm was about modeling Electro Statistic Electric Fields. One electron was moving accoding formulas and forces of attraction between some of static electrons. That electrons user could set up manually, where he wants. It was really interesting.
For this programm I was granted with Diploma of excelent programming skills.
In that summer I met a lot of people, who delighted me. Most of then became scientifics in future or very good and high paid programmers.
At winter I use this program for participance in Youth Scientific Seminar and also get Second place in my region.
That winter I coded my first HTML site. HTML only appeared at that time. I was writing some web sites with HTML and SCripts. PHP or flash , framework was unknown at that time.  It was also funtastic to make web-sites. I could share information with all world about something I know. I made some HTML sites and  one of them was tested in Pereslavl-zalesskii Programming center and I have got 2nd place in all-russian competiton between HTML-coders.
Great!So thank you very much my teacher, who help me to study HTML, write programmss on Delphi, my friends, who support me at that time!

The book i read: 

 Russian  Delphi with CD , HTML

 English  Delphi 2009 Handbook, HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (6th Edition)

пятница, 23 сентября 2011 г.

Steps...into future

Next school year I was fall in love with my own educational programm, which was coded on Pascal. My idea was to help students understand biological processes of celling deviding into two new cells. It is about how our body grow up and how all happends on a micro - level. I made beautifull programm with Picture of celling and description of all parts of cells. I use Assembler module for using mouse. So users can pick -up parts of cell with mouse coursor and read the description what is it about. And also I make moving model : how deviding process happend...still remember it consist of 4 steps from core of cell to litle pieces. It was wonder! I gave this programm to my biological teacher to use it for lessons. Hopes ot was good input into her work. She is still work with Youth in that school.  Then I took part in Youth Scientific Conference, where presented my Cell programm. There I first time met my new teacher in IT. He said me not so my word, but leave a reccomends letter. He said that "She is very creative girk. She should have a big future!" Thank you very much for him! It was very important words in my life.

Books of my teacher Iliay Trub
C++ object -oriented programming

DBMS Cache

The book I read:
Russian Biology, Cell Biology
English Student Study Guide for Biology , Molecular Biology of the Cell

четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Next 2 years till 15 I was studing Pascal. After my first success in programming I have got like a wings. I start t obelive that I found idea of my life. I could write a programs!!!Not so much people can do it in 13...except Bill Geits of course. But In that time I start from Dos, then Windows 3.11 appeared and only then real OS windows 95! In 13 I have got new opportunity from my school to visit Pereyaslavl- Zalesskii IT school (branch of Moscow Internation University). It was autumn, we lived in beautifull place in head of Russia. It was very old city, where I have got first knowleges about Windows 95, Word etc... That time was great I have got new friends, new teahcers...Thank you very much to all people who were there. Now I still have friendsship with some of them! When I come back to my Siberian city, I found a new PC on my table! It was great: my parents made for me this gift!It was really very important! Thank you Mam and Dad for this...hope you know that I grateful.

The book I have read at that time:
Russian Windows 95, BIOS.
English Turbo PASCAL , BIOS

среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

School days

First to yeares I was studied for Pascal and Turbo Pascal programming. We created fuuny programs with different way of calculation and 2d drawing.
I was very good student and myy teacher allowed me to visit Summer Informatic and Technology School at Novosibirsk State University. It school with long story, about 30 years old.
There I met a lot of good teacher and professors in IT. And there I wrote my first big programm - Game "Old Castel" for DOS. It was very pictural screen with funny "Army" who tried to attacht you castel wall. Ay the top of wall you should throw bricks on them. And really it was difficul to be a winner in this Game! For this programm wroted in 13 years I was Grandet Excelent Diploma. It was really me first achivment in programming.

Books I read in that period was : Turbo Pascal 7.0 , Pascal for Students(Including Turbo Pascal)

вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

I was a young girl when first day I have seen PC. It was throught the window of special Informatic School for Youth. After some years when I was 10, I tried to enter this school, but feiled. Next year I tried again and don't know why teacher who sets opposite to me, desided to take me. May be it was due to incomplence of group for programmer. So Thank you very much to Her, after some year she was just Mam of  my friend!
But that day I still remember. My father said: Anna! It was so easy to solve those task..why are you thinking so long? I answered: I afraid that my fast answer arouses suspicion that I stolen the soloving of excersises. It was funny. But still my positive intentions makes people thing that I don't know something.
Well. First day of my programmer lesons were difficult. There were about 5 students with 2 girls only. Which some of them we were friends till end of school! Teacher tried to explain us what doest it mean Algorithm with example of Teaport and how to make a tea. Now this theacher is my good friend...she not only study me computing , she study how to prepare soup:-) and etc:-). Thank you very much for her. She made a big input into all my life and not only professional. She is now Director of that Youth Computing School. Her Name is Sedova Ludmila Ivanovna. 
So at that time we were studied on monochromic PC with easy program which allow to write algorithm for drawing 2d figures.(Trees, circles and etc.). This way my first year of school comes to end.

понедельник, 19 сентября 2011 г.

Today - 1st day!

Hello All! Today is first day of life for my blog! Here I just want to told about the way I come to SAP. May be it will be usefull for just starting Sap consultants or may be for old SAP professional, who wan't to add their story and how the life was changed after SAP came into treir life!
I want to speack about my fist real project and impact I personally have done for bussines, where SAP was implemented and impact to my implementation team.
Also I want to discuss all my development which happends now and what new I have got from books or other expirence, may be for someone it will be very known and easy thing, but may be for some one it will be usefull to get something new about SAP. So ...hopes it will be a good joney into SAP life!

And I promise to write every day some words about my SAP life!