So at 17 my University ears started! It was really greate. First two yeares I was impressed students life! For me it was easy lessons : programming, Mathematical analisys, high mathematic, because i already was good prepared in school for it. So I have o lot of time for theater,where i took part like an actor and a lot of other students activities. I have got a lot of organization skills and etc. All my marks always was excellent. At the third year of university I some gyes from SurgutGazprom comes to us and said: "We started SAP implementation project.. We need good specialist in it. We will exam you and then pay for you study and then will offer you job may be.!!!" Ok great, I thought. I and 10 students of my ages took part in this long studing program. We were studied to be SAP consultant, we study all from consultan image to smart network systems. And we have got payble practice in Surgut gazprom. Every summer! There I have got my first practice of SAP SD. I work close to two developers and wrote instruction for users and made testing. It was interesting because it was real productive life conjugate with oil sale. That is really impressive and every man had big responsobility on this project. Next year I have got practice in SAP HR department. My friend was my Lead! It was great and it happend by chance..but who beilive in chance? There I started get knowledges about SAP HR. thank you very much tp my friend who help me;-)
At the end of University that gye fro SurgutGazprom forget about as and didn't offer to work. Of course this situation wasn't trash me. I took all my document and wrote a letter to lead of IT department ..I waited answer.But no answer came to week, one month...I found job at city Administration to maintance Oracle DB...but it was just a small island to have a rest in way to SAP and Surgut Gazprom.
One day I was fliyng to Moscow sity. I set and found that man in next place looked at PC and words "SAP" at his presentation were founded by my eyes. "Yes!I can't loose this chance.I should ask some documentation!" I thought at that time. I know if you want something...The Universe will help you and send you an opportunity, you just need to take it. I said to that man : "Hello! I study SAP. I saw you have some information about it?Could you please give it to me?" He was wonder and ask for my flash. I said in root you can find my CV. He copied it to his PC. and then when we landed he said.
I belive he will do it. after some month He called to me. He said that maibe I will usfeull for him, but he don't know now where. He advice me to find way where i could be usefull..
Month later, my friend from Gazprom, who was my practice lead, send my a message by ICQ: "Anna we search for consultant for HR support and training. We will take in from autsource company" I understand...that man I met in fly, was CIO of that autsource company. I called him...some weeks later I join new project!...and that is other story...
The books I read: (Unfortunately those book have only english language).
At the end of University that gye fro SurgutGazprom forget about as and didn't offer to work. Of course this situation wasn't trash me. I took all my document and wrote a letter to lead of IT department ..I waited answer.But no answer came to week, one month...I found job at city Administration to maintance Oracle DB...but it was just a small island to have a rest in way to SAP and Surgut Gazprom.
One day I was fliyng to Moscow sity. I set and found that man in next place looked at PC and words "SAP" at his presentation were founded by my eyes. "Yes!I can't loose this chance.I should ask some documentation!" I thought at that time. I know if you want something...The Universe will help you and send you an opportunity, you just need to take it. I said to that man : "Hello! I study SAP. I saw you have some information about it?Could you please give it to me?" He was wonder and ask for my flash. I said in root you can find my CV. He copied it to his PC. and then when we landed he said.
I belive he will do it. after some month He called to me. He said that maibe I will usfeull for him, but he don't know now where. He advice me to find way where i could be usefull..
Month later, my friend from Gazprom, who was my practice lead, send my a message by ICQ: "Anna we search for consultant for HR support and training. We will take in from autsource company" I understand...that man I met in fly, was CIO of that autsource company. I called him...some weeks later I join new project!...and that is other story...
The books I read: (Unfortunately those book have only english language).
Mastering HR Management with SAP ERP HCM
The SAP Consultant Handbook
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