среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.

Next year, when I was 16, I again visited Summer School of Informatic and Programming in Novosibirsk. I wrote a program that use Data Bases( SQL) with Delphi application. It was economic game, where 6 people can take part by network. The idea of program was known. Two teams, every use lake for catching fish. But lake is resourse and it is limeted by ecology. So every team need to have a good fisch income and also don't destroy the ecological system -lake, that fish could allways reprodact itself. So it was really difficult and long project for me. But at  the end I was granted for excelent programming! I was 16, but already known SQL  selects:-)
Then aughtum came, it was last year in Full Middel School. I again took part in Youth Scientific Conference and have good 1 place in my city and then in region. University of Surgut City invated me to study there without exams. It was a long good work done to be prepared for new university life!...

The books I read:
Russian SQL, Data Base and Delphi
English SQL Bible , Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional

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