понедельник, 8 июня 2015 г.

How to create upload request for material or customer or order from ECC to CRM or vice –a-versa

How to create upload request from P10 to CRM or vice –a-versa
  1. R3AR2 – Define request. Create request conditions.  Column object class show which object we will upload (to check objects and their filters look into TA: R3AC1

2. In request tab fill the conditions for upload: i.e. material number. Important that it MUST be with 18 digits (leading 0 has to be in. To do this use excel with function concatenate (“0000*00” ; A1). A1 is a material number in text format)
For few fields press Back and add new conditions
 3.  Se38 run program(report)  ZW_REQUEST_MASS_DATA

It will create few reports which do many times chosen report (for one object, i.e. material).
Put name of “einzel” report
Put values for it (material numbers with leading zero.)

Few new request will be created
4.  R3AR4 –Start request. Put name of created requests and run them

5. To monitor request please use R3AR3
  1. If request was not successfully finished, or stopped by user or system, we have to check in P10 for stop entry in queues. Because before load stop entry for objects is set by system, and after it is finished successfully it is deleted.


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