понедельник, 8 июня 2015 г.

SAP CRM ECC Middleware, how to optimise to many inbound, outbound queues?

How to deal with too many queues.


  1. First way for optimization - Change queue names.

  • Name for Inbound to CRM queues from R3  are  R3AD_<object part><object ID>

Table CRMQNAMES in R3 has one line for queue name for every object


<Object part> is name of the object

<object ID>  is combination from object number  (i.e. material number or customer, order).



In this example:

<Object part>  is Customer_Main will be displayed in queue name as CUSTOME  and use <object ID> from field CUSTOME_NO


Important, that field length is 10 symbols and only 9 will be displayed, due to offset 1.


Inbound Queue name is R3AD_CUSTOME_NO123456789  (Leading 0 is missed in customer number)


This one queue will have only one BP record in it.

If we want to have several BP in one queues (what leads to less number of BP) then we have to Use fields “Field offset” and “Field length”.






Customer number has 10 digits. If we set Field offset as 8 and Field length as 2 (We have to have 10 digits. 8+2= 10), then we will collect in one queue all customers who has 2  the same last digits in number on position 9 and 10.


This will lead to reduction of queues by 100. But the problem that possibility to meet similar endings in BP record is low.


Description of structures could be find in se11, Data type





This customized by SAP

We use BAPISDHD for Sales order, BAIMATMRA for Materials, BAPICUSGEN for Customer


  • Name for Outbound from CRM queues to CDB   are  CSA_<object name><object ID>


In this example


<object name> is BUPA_MAIN (field BDoc) will be displayed in queue name as BUPA,

<object ID> from BPARTNER field of object


We have no offset, so every queue will have 1 BP partner.











In this example, for outbound queue name used the same name as for inbound from R3.


Then in field name set “queue_name”. It has to be in bDoc structure.


It is useful, when some optimization with queue names was done for inbound to CRM from R3 queues.








Description of business objects could be find in T-code R3AC1, customization objects are in T-code:  R3AC3,

Condition objects in R3AC5



To find structure  BUS_TRANS_MSG_HEADER use se11 , Data type


Choose fields you need for queue name.









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